Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim.....Alhamdulillahirabbil alamiin...Allahumasholialamuhammad wa ala alimuhammad wasohbihi ajmain...
Alloohummaghfir lilmu'miniina wal mu'minaat
Wal muslimiina wal muslimaat
Wa allif baina quluubihim
Wa ashlih dzaata bainahum
Wanshur 'Alaa 'Aduwwika wa'aduwwihim
Allohummal'in kafarota ahlil kitaabil ladziina
Yukadzibuuna rusulaka wayuqottiluuna auliyaa aka
Alloohumma khollif baina kalimaatihim
Wazalzil Aqdaamahum
Wa anzilbihim ba'sakalladzii layuroddu 'anil
qaumil mujrimiin
Allohumma innaanasta'iinuka
Ya Allah, laknatlah orang-orang kafir yang mendustakan para RasulMu dan membunuh para kekasih-Mu, Ya Allah cerai-beraikan kesatuan kata mereka, Hancur leburkan kekuatan mereka, Dan turunkanlah bencana-Mu yang tiada tertolak lagi untuk orang-orang yang penuh dengan dosa.
Dengan menyebut nama-Mu ya Allah yang Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang, Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kami memohon perlindungan kepadaMu”
he version which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught to al-Hasan ibn �Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him), which is:
" O Allah ! guide us amongst those whom Thou hast guided aright, and preserve us among those whom thou hast preserved. Include us amongst those whom Thou has taken under Thy protection. Bless us in that which Thou hast bestowed upon us and protect us from the evil of that which Thou hast ordained, for it is Thou Who ordainest and none can ordain against Thee indeed ! Never is he abased whom Thou takest as friend and none is respected Whom Thou takest as a foe. Blessed art Thou Our Lord and exalted. We ask repentance from Thee and turn to Thee; O Allah ! send torment upon the unbelievers, who prevent us from following Thy way
Narrated by Abu Dawood and refute Thy messengers, and fight against Thy friends. Allah ! grant forgiveness to us and to the faithful males and females & Muslim men and women and bring reconciliation among them and foster affection ( for one another) in their hearts and bless them with conviction and insight and make them firm and unwavering followers of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) and enable them to fulfil the pledge You have taken from; help them against Thy enemies and against their enemies O Real Deity ! hear our prayers and deal us with these people
Umar prayed Qunoot with the following words:
(O Allaah, verily we seek Your help, we believe in You, we put our trust in You and we praise You and we are not ungrateful to You. O Allaah, You alone we worship and to You we pray and prostrate, for Your sake we strive. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment, for Your punishment will certainly reach the disbelievers. O Allaah, punish the infidels of the People of the Book who are preventing others from following Your way).�
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi
Palestine need our help not just crying and emphatic feelings. Donate them to this organization
or you may open this link:
Donate for Palestine and pray for our brothers and sisters to their right of victory. They are not terrorist they just wanna freedom in their own land. They just wanna stop the oppression of the aggressor sadistic israel who build a state with violences and blood of Palestinians. Israel is SHITrael..coz they act and smell like shit as their always conquer toilet..SHITrael must be deleted from the world map. Their existence mean threat for all human kind.. They will conquer Palestine first and then they will conquer our land without notice. Look what they've done in Palestine:
They are bunch of crook who take Palestinians land day by day acre by acre..with terror and violence. They spread they hate to all Arab nation as racism which their obey as their ultimate rule. They claim that Palestine is their land as they are the chosen people by god as they believe in their talmud. They have right to kill any people who block their faith. Their god teach them to kill every people whom not their race. Zionism is their power to take control the whole may see the protocol of zion which the content is conquer the world for their own race.Build a satanic jews land and abolish all religion.
Their existence must die..If you tolerate them then your children will be next. ISRAEL=SHITRAEL IS THE PARENTS OF UNITED SHIT OF AMERICA..they are both are the same shit different asshole!!BURN BURN YESS YOU GONNA BURN!! We Gonna take the power back!!!
Ooo Palestinians take our pray as your deadly weapon to pursue your victory..take our little donation to help your land from the oppression..hey SHITrael take our pray as our curse to destroy and delete you all..and take this word against all of your sadistic, satanic, terrorist action to send you back to where you belong. Hell is the place where you belong in eternity....