Senin, 25 Februari 2008

Visit me in Canada

Assalamualaikum, Wr Wb
Wow cold and windy weather in here, always need to warm my self inside my beautiful house. Don't hesitate to visiting me in here, frozen food always available either fresh soup also. I love my days in this country, I'll survive till the time I'm coming back to Indonesia. Contact me when you on vacation in Canada. I miss sambal terasi, Sayur asem, ikan asin, nasi uduk, semur jengkol, ayam bakar tebet, all Indonesian greatest culinary and taste...I have to open my own restaurant in here...That's my next plan to start my own business. Wish me luck in here...God bless Indonesia and you...I love you...Always in the mood for you more today than yesterday....

2 komentar:

SukaSuka mengatakan...

Ckckck..jadi ini to imajinasi tertingginya?
Boleh juga...
Btw, klo uda jd warga Canada sono, ajak2 gw donk mas..
Gw juga bosen jd orang susah melulu di negeri sendiri, dijajah di negeri sendiri..
Mending tinggal d negeri orang tp ngejajah orang..hehehee

SukaSuka mengatakan...

Ckckck..jadi ini to imajinasi tertingginya?
Boleh juga...
Btw, klo uda jd warga Canada sono, ajak2 gw donk mas..
Gw juga bosen jd orang susah melulu di negeri sendiri, dijajah di negeri sendiri..
Mending tinggal d negeri orang tp ngejajah orang..hehehee